Target Oxbridge is a programme that aims to help black African and Caribbean students and students of mixed race with black African and Caribbean heritage increase their chances of getting into the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge (known collectively as Oxbridge). Since launching in 2012, Target Oxbridge has helped over 200 students to secure Oxbridge offers.
The programme is open to UK students in Year 10. The process of application is very detailed and it is an incredibly competitive programme, with well over 1000 Year 10 students applying nationally.
The students accepted onto the programme are high attainers. Zara met all of the initial criteria and completed a successful application to gain her place on the programme. Taking part in the programme will give Zara exclusive access to information and advice to support her educational journey and get her fully prepared to apply to an Oxbridge University in the future.
At St Matthias we know that we have absolutely amazing students attending our school, it is fantastic when other organisations recognise this too. We want our students to know that they are amongst the best students in the country and they deserve their place on programmes like Target Oxbridge. We are extremely proud of Zara for successfully achieving a place!
“Achieving a place on the programme means a lot to me because this opportunity will raise my chances of being accepted into a top university. I hope to study medicine in the future.” Zara
