Love was definitely in the air at St Matthias today! The Year 8 Student Ambassadors have worked extremely hard to plan an exciting day for everyone to get involved with. Ably supported by Aylin and Jess from Year 11, the Ambassadors have been working hard to bring to life Aylin’s Business Studies project – Secret Valentine. This was a fantastic opportunity for Aylin to develop her enterprise skills and bring her ideas to life. Students across school have been able to purchase secret valentines cards for other students over the past week with the plan being to have the Ambassadors deliver them with a Hugh fanfare on Valentines Day itself. This worked a treat today with 60 cards being delivered to students throughout the day. There were lots of surprised faces and also lots of cheers!
The Ambassadors have also prepped and ran a Valentine’s sweet shop. Cup Cakes, heart shaped lollipops and Jammie Dodger cones were all available for purchase by students. T’Kai, Year 8, even brought in a fantastic home made chocolate cake that she had made to sell. Face painting was available at break time and lunch time – hearts and rainbows only! All money raised is going to our nominated charity for this half term, Unique. Unique provides support, information and networking to families affected by rare chromosome and gene disorders. The charity Unique was chosen by our Ambassadors following a presentation from Jess, Year 11. Jess has a personal connection with the charity and developed her leadership skills through her support of the Year 8 Ambassadors throughout the day.
Our Valentines competition winners were also announced. A bag of Swizzles Love Hearts went to Jessica in Year 9 and Ana-Maria in Year 8. Congratulations to them both for answering all of the quiz questions correctly. To date £150 has been raised for Unique. Thank you to all of the wonderful staff and students who have supported the events.