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School News

The St Matthias Christmas Challenge

This year we set our students the challenge of earning a Christmas jumper day at the end of term. The student ambassadors chose 2 charities for the school to support on the understanding that if we could collect enough items that we would all celebrate at the end of term.

We wanted to focus on children and families who might be struggling this year with the cost-of-living crisis. We also wanted to make sure that the help went to local children and families. The challenge was based on the concept of giving rather than receiving, and each form group was asked to decorate a box and fill it with non-perishable food items and toys each day.

These festive boxes were delivered by our student ambassadors to:

Charity 1: The Well – Wolverhampton’s central food bank

Charity 2: Black Country Toy Appeal

65 festive boxes, filled to the brim with food and toys, were collected – the generosity of our students and their families in helping to spread some Christmas joy to local families in need was heart-warming. We had a celebratory Christmas jumper day at the end of term as a huge thank you to everyone that contributed to the success of the Christmas challenge.

Christmas writing challenge

In addition to the festive boxes, to help to spread even more Christmas cheer, our students have also been busy writing some festive Christmas cards/letters to the residents of a home for the elderly. Some residents don’t get many or even any visitors over Christmas. Our students wanted to help cheer them up and let them know that somebody, somewhere was thinking about them and wishing them a happy Christmas. Our student ambassadors were invited to personally deliver the abundance of Christmas letters and cards to them.

Thank you to all of our wonderful students who chose to focus this December on thinking about what they could do for others instead of themselves.

End of term assembly

A talented group of students worked incredibly hard to plan a fantastic assembly at the end of term for each year group to enjoy. The assembly was the student’s way of celebrating everything that the school had achieved throughout the month of December and an opportunity for giving back. The assembly began with an amazing solo performance of ‘Have yourself a merry little Christmas’ beautifully sung by …… Her performance was awe inspiring and was met with huge applause. Students in Y10 then shared updates about the school’s charitable successes and some important messages about the spirit of joy. Each year group was then treated to a sing along to ‘All I want for Christmas’ whilst they played pass the parcel to see who would win the selection of gifts that made their way around the room. Much fun and festivities were had by all. It was a great way to end the term.




St Matthias

Deans Road
West Midlands 

Monday-Friday: 8.00am - 4.00pm


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