Following a busy spring term of polling and votes, it has been a term of official council business for William Gosnell, our Wolverhampton Youth Council rep. City of Wolverhampton Youth Council is a non-political organisation made up of local young people between 11 and 18. They represent young people’s views and work to improve the lives of young people in the city.
William has been enjoying the opportunity to:
Influence decisions that impact young people in the city and become more familiar with how the city council (and other organisations in the city such as the CCG and West Midlands Police) operates.
Develop essential skills such as teamwork, leadership, listening and presenting.
Make new friends from across the city.
Ensure that the views of St Matthias students are heard.
His recent focus has been on well-being across the city and what strategies can assist in maintaining a healthy well-being. Thank you for all of your work representing our views this term!
