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School News

Remembrance Day

This year in school we have marked Remembrance Day slightly differently. Due to the current COVID restrictions we have not held year group assemblies so instead form tutors have shared a thought provoking presentation set to music. Students also completed a general knowledge quiz to help them to reflect upon the reasons for the commemoration.

A group of students in year 8 went on to work together to create a cascading poppy installation in the school corridor. They decorated multi-faith symbols of remembrance with thoughtful words and reflections. Members of our student leadership team were also filmed reading the poem ‘futility’ by Wilfred Owen. This was then shown to all classes on Remembrance Day. Our Graphics teacher also shared the fantastic way that year 11 students had explored the theme of Remembrance Day through their subject. The poppy images were made by GCSE Graphics students in response to a cross curricular Graphics/English project based on the poem ‘Poppies’ by Jane Weir. A selection of those images are shared in this article.

We are incredibly proud of the respectful attitudes that our students have shown and their enthusiasm for ensuring that St Matthias marked this important day in the most wonderful of ways!




St Matthias

Deans Road
West Midlands 

Monday-Friday: 8.00am - 4.00pm


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