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School News

Practice makes perfect!

The Christmas countdown may have begun, but here at St Matthias it is business as usual and our students in year 11 have been working harder than ever! That’s because we have had two weeks of mock examinations in school. Mock exams let students practise revision strategies that are proven to be more helpful and discover what works best for them. Our lunch time revision room has been busy with hard working year 11 students keen to give these exams their very best. Students have also been attending subject specific intervention sessions in their own time after school to help them improve their knowledge and ability to recall information. Head of year 11, Mr Humphreys, said “I want to publicly praise the Year 11 students who have conducted themselves brilliantly over the last two weeks. They have adapted to the uncertainty surrounding their exams and pushed through a busy two weeks. Not only have they had to tackle mock exams but also become accustomed to intervention sessions.” Mr Humphreys also thanked all the staff in school who had contributed to the examination process. The mock exams have been a brilliant opportunity for students to practise their recall skills. Here is what some of our students had to say:


“revision has been helpful in a lot of ways. It has inspired me to carry on revising and working hard so that I do well in my real exams”


“interventions have helped my understanding of the subject content. The mock exams have helped me to get an understanding of what a real exam is like”


“I’m really not sure how my mock exams have gone but I have tried my best. I have done some revision and I have been to intervention sessions”


“Using The revision room at lunch times has given me more opportunities to figure out better ways to revise”


“This has been good practice as I’ve realised that I get panicky when it comes to exams. Now for the real exams I know how I need to prepare”




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West Midlands 

Monday-Friday: 8.00am - 4.00pm


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