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School News

Languages Day

Each year The European Day of Languages is celebrated on 26th September. As this year it fell on a Sunday, Languages Day was held at St Matthias School on the 27th of September. As a highly diverse school with pupils from all over the world we take pride in celebrating each individual culture and Languages Day was a day where we were able to show how we as a school appreciate each and every one of our students. Across the school pupils completed starter activities which encouraged pupils to learn fun new words and phrases or find out cultural facts. Our year 7 students completed a Secret Agent competition which involved them completing booklets on a range of language facts. As well as this, two year 8 pupils won the Eurovision QR code competition and to crown the day, a few of our year 11 students became Language Leaders. The new Language Leaders will be helping to promote future language events around school and in the community.

By Amarachi Anosike (Y11)

Photo of Year 11 Language Leaders




St Matthias

Deans Road
West Midlands 

Monday-Friday: 8.00am - 4.00pm


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