This week we have had a visit from a firefighter. He came in to speak with KS3 students about the dangers of arson. The students learnt about the dangers of playing with fire, the impact of a house fire including the dangers posed from smoke. They also learnt some basic first aid if they were ever faced with a fire. He also spoke with our KS4 students about the importance of car safety. They were reminded of the dangers of not wearing seatbelts and using a mobile phone whilst driving. The students were thoroughly engaged throughout and asked lots of great questions!
Student comments:
“It was good to know that you should never touch fire unless you are a fire fighter” Romar
“It was really good, the fireman said we taught how to be safe if we were ever in a house fire and we learnt about skin grafts which are very hard to do”
“I liked this lesson because it taught me something new and how to be safe”
“It was good to learn not to play with fire because even a little fire can spread to you and others”
“Paying attention in the car can save your life, you should never text and drive” Naomi
